Saturday, July 31, 2010

Taco Night!

I cannot help my ridiculous cuteness

So, it's nearing the end of the week & I'm tired & dragging & want an easy option for dinner - enter Taco NIght! One of our favorite nights around here! I cook up some Yves ground soy meat with hot sauce & seasonings, make a big batch of refried beans, chop up lettuce, red onion & avocado, shred some vegan cheese & put out salsa & vegan sour cream, not to mention, sprouted grain tortillas & we all GO TO TOWN! It's quick, it's easy & it's fairly healthy (minus the processed ground soy meat but it is delicious every so often - I can't be a perfect Vegan ALL the time!).

Spices/Flavorings for taco "meat"
Taco "meat" cooking in the pan

The "Spread"
Worn out Vegan Mama about to devour the spread! & One should ALWAYS...ALWAYS cook while drinking champagne! Ooo la la!

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