Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So I made a fantastic & yummy dinner & took pics & the whole shebang & I hooked up my phone to my desktop & transferred not only the pics from tonight's dinner but 3 months of pics & videos of my kids & the iPhoto application "unexpectedly quit" & erased ALL my photos & videos. I WANT TO DIE. I just started bawling. Strangely, the photos of dinner are still on my phone (I'm guessing because they weren't taken with the normal camera but an app called hipstamatic). So those pics were saved but I still lost 230 photos of my kids who are growing by the second! Months of memories I cannot EVER get back. It's like someone wants me to suffer greatly! I am so so so so bummed. :( So I will post tonight's dinner tomorrow or I will do it after I've calmed down & do not feel like bashing in my computer & had a ridiculously stiff cocktail.

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